Hey internet surfers! Today was realy cool! Remember we got to get muskets! OMG!!! And we got to shoot and stab mr allen! LOL!!!!!!!! (No offence mr allen) Remember the boston tea party. It was very short, shorter than I thought. CowardS!!!!!!! The guy who stuffed his pockets with tea and got sent home naked, I wouldn't want to be him. *tsk tsk tsk* Naughty naughty! comment to say how your day went.
Other than being murdered under a hail of bayonets by crazed 10 and 11 year olds, it was a great day!
Really? It was sorta fun. The reason I didn't think it was fun was because I didn't get to stab Mr. Allen... No offence to you. Happy day because of Mupo and Kestral and Bowman. :)